Res Quad Panorama

University Housing Living Guide

Supporting Florida Tech on-campus Students

Guideline Owners: Vice President for Student Affairs

Our Mission

Residence Life strives to provide a friendly, engaging residential experience that is conducive to the academic and real-life success of the modern college student. This is accomplished through our dedication to customer service, exemplary leadership, and educational programming experiences.

Our Philosophy

It is our belief that Florida Tech students residing on-campus are the benefactors of two unique educations: academic and "real life." Academic education stems from the classroom, where students will learn calculations, configurations, and derivations. The "real-life" education is what the Florida Tech student experiences beyond the classroom. For this educational experience, the students shape their own learning through interactions with their roommate(s), floormates, community programs, and campus clubs and activities. The Residence Life staff strives to provide as many opportunities as possible for this education to occur. We believe that the more a student puts into Florida Tech, the more they will receive and the more likely they will be to succeed.

Residence Hall Guidelines

Many people live together in our campus communities and it is necessary to establish guidelines to govern the behavior of and protect the rights of all who reside in residence halls. All on-campus residents are responsible for knowing and complying with the following university residence hall guidelines.

Policies and Procedures

All students should familiarize themselves with the policies and procedures of the university which can be found in Florida Tech Student Handbook. Students residing in university housing are responsible for knowing and following all the information provided in this University Housing Living Guide and the Campus Housing Contract.

The Student Code of Conduct: Dangerous Items section outlines the items that are prohibited for students on-campus; please see the list of items below for items prohibited in the Residence Halls.

Electrical Equipment/Illegal Appliances

All electrical equipment must be UL-listed and properly maintained.

  • All power strips must have surge protection.
  • Extension cords cannot be placed under the carpet or on the ground or floor across exit areas and must be plugged directly into the wall.
  • Only one device may be plugged into an extension cord.
  • Automatic shutoff feature is required on appliances.
  • Coffee makers and air popcorn poppers are permitted.

Prohibited Item List Examples

As mentioned elsewhere in university policy, candles, incense, kerosene lamps, space heaters, lighter fluid (or match-ready charcoal), propane, charcoal, gasoline or other combustible fuels, halogen lamps, containers for storing combustible fluids (including any gas-powered apparatus whether filled with fuel or not), or any device with a flame are prohibited in university facilities.

The following appliances/items are NOT allowed and are considered prohibited items except for listed exceptions:

Air Conditioners
Bed Risers
Wax Melt Systems
Grills (Propane/Charcoal)
Homebrew Kits
Toaster Ovens
Large Electric Water Coolers
Lava Lamps
Oil Fryers
Open heating elements (i.e. Hot Plates, Soldering Iron, etc.)
Induction Cooktops
Power Tools
Pressure Cookers
SCUBA tanks (Unless completely empty)
Strobe Lights
  • No more than one microwave permitted (plugged directly into the wall; not to exceed 15 amps and 700 watts) per residential housing assignment.
    • Note: The university may already provide a microwave in your assigned housing assignment
  • Additional refrigerators and freezers

A refrigerator or micro-fridge is provided in each room/apartment and is the only refrigeration unit permitted inside the residence halls generally. Full-sized refrigerators are provided in the apartments and students residing in these facilities (apartments only) may have a dorm fridge in their bedroom. The refrigerator or micro-fridge may not be removed from the room or altered at any time. To report issues regarding your refrigeration unit, contact the Housing Department at

Electrical alterations and/or room construction are NOT allowed in any residence hall room.

All prohibited appliances and equipment will be confiscated and held for a maximum of two weeks (so they may be taken off-campus - not to return) after which point the items will be donated/disposed of. Other items (e.g. fuels) will be disposed of at the discretion of Campus Security.

If you have any questions regarding a device or appliance that is not listed here, please contact your Resident Assistant.

Signs and Traffic / Construction Equipment

Possession of traffic or street signs and construction equipment (traffic cones, barricades, flashing lights, etc.) is prohibited. Incidents will be reported to Campus Security and/or the Melbourne Police Department and students may be required to provide evidence that the items were lawfully obtained or have the items confiscated.

Motorized Microbility Transportation Devices

Please refer to the university policy on Motorized Micromobility Transportation Device Policy. Operators are prohibited from operating MMTDs inside any University buildings (including any residential facility) and are limited in where they may be inside facilities (see below). Exceptions to this policy are provided for an assistance device utilized by an individual with a disability and any utility equipment used by authorized University employees or approved vendors.

MMTDs - Charging a Device

A Motorized Micromobility Transportation Device (MMTD) that is not registered and displaying a registration decal from Security attesting that it is UL-listed may not be present in any University facility due to fire and electrical safety hazards. MMTD being charged must comply with the expectations herein regarding parking and storage.

Parking and Storage

Outside of Facilities - MMTDs are prohibited from being parked in/on sidewalks, parking spaces, pathways, ramps, stairs, or anywhere that could obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic or access for those with a disability. Devices may not block entries to buildings or walkways or impede emergency access to or from a building or area (pull stations, stair railings, building columns, light poles, benches, trashcans).

Inside of Facilities – MMTDs that are properly registered and displaying registration decals denoting that they are UL-listed may be in the possession of the operator in a University facility. However, other than traversing a hallway or accessing an elevator, they may only be present in a space assigned to an individual (e.g., an office or a residential living unit). MMTDs may not be present in classrooms, labs, lounges, or unaccompanied in any hallway, etc., due to fire egress regulations, trip and fall hazards, etc.